

映画鑑賞券について 前売券販売期間:

全日フリーパス券 《限定100枚》

《前売》12,000円 《当日》13,500円
  • 前売の販売はシネマテークたかさきのみです。
    【電話予約可】 シネマテークたかさき
    TEL 027-325-1744
  • 記名ご本人様のみ有効。


  • 期間中の上映作品3作品をご鑑賞いただけます。


一般 1,300円
高校生以下・60歳以上 1,100円
  • 期間中の上映作品1作品をご鑑賞いただけます。



  • 《授賞式券(前売)》2,500円 【全席指定】 お一人様 4枚まで
  • 発 売 日 2019年3月2日(土)10:00より発売〜3月18日(月)23:59まで
お電話 TEL.0570-02-9999
インターネット チケットぴあ http://t.pia.jp/
  • 期間中1作品映画をご鑑賞いただけます。
  • 予定枚数に達し次第販売終了
  • 未就学児入場不可


  • 《授賞式券(当日)》3,000円 【全席指定】 お一人様 4枚まで
  • 発 売 日 2019年3月24日(日)
  • 期間中1作品映画をご鑑賞いただけます。
  • 予定枚数に達し次第販売終了
  • 未就学児入場不可



群馬音楽センターhttp://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/center/ 高崎市高松町28-2 TEL.027-322-4527
高崎市文化会館http://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/b-kaikan/ 高崎市末広町23-1 TEL.027-325-0681
高崎シティギャラリーhttp://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/gallery/ 高崎市高松町35-1 TEL.027-328-5050
シネマテークたかさきhttp://takasaki-cc.jp/ 高崎市あら町202 TEL.027-325-1744

高崎市内 お取扱い店舗

戸田書店 高崎店http://www.todabooks.co.jp/shop/shop.php?S=34 高崎市下小鳥町438-1 TEL.027-363-5110
絵本と童話 本の家http://honnoie.sakura.ne.jp/ 高崎市中居町4-31-17 TEL.027-352-0006
天華堂書店http://www.shouto-takasaki.com/cgi-bin/koten_output.cgi?sline=246&print=1&keys3=16011 高崎市寄合町31 TEL.027-325-2311

その他 お取扱い店舗

戸田書店 前橋本店http://todabooks.co.jp/shop/shop.php?S=35 前橋市西片貝町4-16-7 TEL.027-223-9011
煥乎堂 前橋本店http://www.kankodo-web.co.jp/ 前橋市本町1-2-13 TEL.027-235-8111
山猫館書房http://yamaneko-kan.raindrop.jp/ 前橋市三俣町1-26-8 TEL.027-232-9321
フリッツ・アートセンターhttp://theplace1985.com/ 前橋市敷島町240-41 TEL.027-235-8989
戸田書店 桐生店http://todabooks.co.jp/shop/shop.php?S=45 桐生市新宿2-5-7 TEL.0277-20-7220

「映画鑑賞券」前売券 チケットぴあでのご購入

お電話 TEL.0570-02-9999
インターネット http://t.pia.jp/ 各種Pコードをご入力の上お買い求めください。




  • チケットぴあでの当日券の販売はございません。


  • チケットご購入後の払い戻し、交換、再発行はいたしません。
  • 当日券(全日フリーパス券、3作品券、1作品券)は、期間中、各会場窓口で上映開始30分前より


  • 開場は上映開始15分前を予定しております。各回入替制です。
  • 都合によりやむを得ず、スケジュールを一部変更する場合がございますのでご了承ください。
  • 混雑状況により受付にて入場整理券を配布したり、当日券の販売を終了する場合がございます。
  • 満席の際および上映開始後は入場をお断りする場合がございますのでご了承ください。


  • シネマテークたかさきは、定員58席です。
  • 当日券は、初回上映開始30分前より販売いたします。
  • 専用駐車場はございません。割引対象駐車場につきましては会場案内をご確認ください。※シネマテークたかさきでの映画鑑賞には、入場整理券が必要です。
  • 各日、初回上映開始30分前より、鑑賞券と引き換えに当日分の整理券を配布いたします。
  • ご入場は整理番号順で、全席自由席です。開場時間を過ぎますと整理番号は無効となりますのでご了承ください。

3 Types of Movie Admission Tickets Advance Ticket Sales Period:
February 16th, 2019 (Sa) - March 22nd (Fri)

All-day free access pass 《Limited number of 100 tickets available.》

《Advance ticket price》¥12,000 《Same-day price》¥13,500
  • Advance tickets are only sold at Cinematheque Takasaki
    【Reservations by phone are accepted】 Cinematheque Takasaki
    TEL 027-325-174
  • Reservations by phone can only be made by the person purchasing the ticket.

3-Entry Admission Ticket

《Advance ticket》¥3,000
《Same-day ticket》¥3,500
  • This ticket admits entry to up to three films during the screening period.

Single Entry Admission Ticket

《Advance ticket》
《Same-day ticket》
《Same-day student》 ¥1,100(high school age and younger)
and senior (60 years or older) discount ticket
  • This ticket admits entry to a single film during the screening period.

Award Ceremony Admission TicketTo watch the awards ceremony, a special "award ceremony ticket" is required.

33rd Annual Takasaki Film Festival Award Ceremony Venue: Gunma Music Center Address: 28-2 Takamatsucho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture Time & Date: March 24th, 2019 (Su), ~4PM《Doors open from 3PM》

Advance ticket

  • An 【Award Ceremony Admission Ticket】 will grant admission to the award ceremony as well as one movie during the screening period.
  • Advance ticket ¥2,500  Advance tickets will be sold starting from February 2nd, 2019 (Sa) after 10AM until March 18th, 2019 (Mon) up until 11:59PM.
    【All seats are reserved】Limited to 4 seats per person.
    ※Award Ceremony ticket sales will end once the maximum number of available seats has been filled.
    ※Pre-school age children and younger may not attend the ceremony.
  • 【Award Ceremony Admission Tickets】Advance tickets can be purchased via Ticket Pia Japan.
    To purchase over the phone please call 0570-02-9999 and follow the automated voice guide instructions (Japanese only).
    To purchase online please go to http://t.pia.jp/ (Japanese only) and input the P-code: 559-508
  • ▪You will be charged for the ticket price as well as a separate handling fee. Please be careful and purchase your tickets only after confirming your order.
    Tickets can also be bought at the following convenience stores: ▪Seven-Eleven
    (You can purchase tickets at 7-11 by using a Ticket Pia machine. For more information on how to use the machine, please check with the store’s staff.)

Same-day ticket

  • 【Award Ceremony Admission Ticket】 Same-day ticket ¥3,000 ※Limited to 4 tickets per person.
    Same-day tickets will be sold at the Gunma Music Center on March 24th (Su) starting from 2:30PM.
    ※Available seating is limited and ticket sales will end once the number of available seats has been filled.

【Movie Admission Tickets】Advance Ticket Information

Sold at the following festival venues:※ Advance tickets are not sold at Takasaki Denkikan.

Gunma Music Centerhttp://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/center/ Address: 28-2 Takamatsucho, Takasaki City TEL.027-322-4527
Takasaki City Cultural Centerhttp://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/b-kaikan/ Address: 23-1 Suehirocho, Takaski City TEL.027-325-0681
Takasaki City Galleryhttp://www.takasaki-foundation.or.jp/gallery/ Address: 35-1 Takamatsucho, Takasaki City TEL.027-328-5050
Cinematheque Takasakihttp://takasaki-cc.jp/ Address: 202 Aramachi, Takasaki City TEL.027-325-1744

Sold at the following stores in Takasaki:

Toda Bookstore (Takasaki location)http://www.todabooks.co.jp/shop/shop.php?S=34 Address: 438-1 Shimokotorimachi, Takasaki City TEL.027-363-5110
Hon no Ie Bookstorehttp://honnoie.sakura.ne.jp/ Address: 4-31-17 Nakaimachi, Takasaki City TEL.027-352-0006
Tenkado Bookstorehttp://www.shouto-takasaki.com/cgi-bin/koten_output.cgi?sline=246&print=1&keys3=16011 Address: 31 Yoriaicho, Takasaki City TEL.027-325-2311

Other locations where advance tickets are sold:

Toda Bookstore (Maebashi main store)http://todabooks.co.jp/shop/shop.php?S=35 Address: 4-16-7 Nishikatakaimachi, Maebashi City TEL.027-223-9011
Kankodo (Maebashi main store)http://www.kankodo-web.co.jp/ Address: 1-2-13 Honmachi, Maebashi City TEL.027-235-8111
Yamaneko-kan Used Bookstorehttp://yamaneko-kan.raindrop.jp/ Address: 1-26-8 Mitsumatamachi, Maebashi City TEL.027-232-9321
F-Ritz Art Centerhttp://theplace1985.com/ Address: 240-41 Shikishimacho, Maebashi City TEL.027-235-8989
Toda Bookstore (Kiryu branch)http://todabooks.co.jp/shop/shop.php?S=45 Address: 2-5-7 Shinshuku, Kiryu City TEL.0277-20-7220

【Movie Tickets】Advance tickets can also be purchased via Ticket Pia Japan

To purchase over the phone please call 0570-02-9999 and follow the automated voice guide instructions (Japanese only).
To purchase online please go tohttp://t.pia.jp/(Japanese only) And input one of the following P-codes:
P Code:

3-Entry Admission Ticket467-741

Single Entry Admission Ticket467-742

Award Ceremony Admission Ticket559-508

You will be charged for the ticket price as well as a separate handling fee. Please be careful and purchase your tickets only after confirming your order.
Tickets can also be bought
at the following convenience stores:
(You can purchase tickets at 7-11 by using a Ticket Pia machine. For more information on how to use the ticket machine there, please check with the store’s staff.)
  • You cannot buy tickets through Ticket Pia the same day as the event.

Important points on buying tickets

  • No refunds or exchanges will be issued once the ticket has been purchased. Nor can we reissue tickets.
  • Same-day tickets(All-day free access pass, 3-Entry Admission ticket, Single Admission ticket)will be offered at each venue window up to 30 minutes before the screening starts.
    (Cinematheque Takasaki will only offer same-day tickets up to 30 minutes before the first screening starts.)

Important points on the venues

  • Doors will open 15 minutes before the film’s scheduled screening time. The audience must leave and re-enter after each screening.
  • Please be aware that it may be necessary to change parts of the schedule suddenly due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Same-day tickets may sell out depending on how crowded the venue becomes on the day of the screening.
    Please confirm your ticket purchases in advance.
  • Please be aware that you may be refused entry once the available seating is full and after the screening starts.

Important Information about Cinematheque Takasaki

  • Total capacity: 58 seats
  • Cinematheque Takasaki will begin selling same-day tickets 30 minutes before the first screening starts.
  • There is no available venue parking. For more information concerning discounted parking, please refer to the parking guide on page 7. ※In order to watch a movie at Cinematheque Takasaki an admission ticket is required.
  • Each day, 30 minutes before the first screening, customers will exchange their admission ticket for a numbered ticket.
    Customers who do not yet have an admission ticket can purchase a same-day ticket at this time.
  • Doors will open 10 minutes prior to the screening time.
  • Guests will enter the theater in the order of their numbered ticket. All seats are unreserved.
    Please be aware that the numbered ticket will become invalid if it is past opening time.

For more information please contact the Takasaki Film Festival Administrative Office located inside the Takasaki Denkikan
Address: 31 Yanagawacho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture 〒370-0815
TEL 027-388-9649

第33回 高崎映画祭 授賞式
日時:2019年3月24日(日) 16時より